Monday, August 31, 2009


The kids have been great. It is always hard to get the first week of schoool over with. But heck I have the 3 youngest in bed at 8:oo sharp! Reagan has been going to bed about 7:30 and dosen't wake up until about 7 in the morning! So wonderful!! We have been letting Zac stay up a little later and do his homework. It helps when the rest of the house it quiet he seems to do a ton better this way. Zac did very well last week he recieved at least 2 100% and a couple that have only missing 1 answer. This is outstanding for him! I don't want to jinx it but maybe a good year for him! He was so proud of his assignments that he actually showed me and brought them home. I don't think that happened once last year.
We went to my grandma's 80th b-day party on sunday and that was so great. I just feel so welcome with my family even when I haven't seen them in months. I swear my grandma dosen't even look 80! She is an awesome grandma!! With as many grandkids and great grandkids she has she remembers them all!! My cousins are all so different is style and you can still get along with all of them! I hope my personal family can be like that and will always be as close as we were growing up, and still are! My grandmother has taught me a lot!!
We were suppose to go to Justins family b-day party but didn't make it. The kids were disappointed, they were looking so forward to playing at Jack's house. As Ky's words "He has the best swings ever!!" Maybe next time! Justin's family reminds me of my grandma's close and they love each other no matter what. They are always helping in a time of need! They seem to understand Justin is going through a really trying time right now and is understanding with his moods. Support is all he needs and unquestionable love and they give it always I know there are times we couldn't make it without all of them!!!!!!
My family is going through some trying times also and it is so hard to love so much and then have to deal with problems! But that is life I just wish that when you were doing something right that it didn't feel so wrong!! I love them and wish I was able to see them more then I do! I wish we had the open end realationship Justin's family and my grandma's has. We have been working on it and it has been getting better and will get even more better with time.
I hope both our families know no matter what we love them and will always love them! I just been thinking a lot lately that we can't replace what we lost and the little things shouldn't get in the way of time that we loose! We may never get it back!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Nadine. Family is very important. Life is to short not to be able to enjoy it with people you love.
